Chorus wins
multiple awards
The ‘G Mark’ has been a symbol of exquisite design for more than 55 years.
The Good Design Award is a comprehensive and annual program for the evaluation and commendation of design from across the world, organized
by Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP). Its origin was the “Good Design Selection System” established in 1957 by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Since then, it has been given to approximately 40,000 outstanding designs.
The screening policy of the Good Design Awards is briefly expressed in five important words summarizing the basic concept behind the screening process.
Inspiration for products and conceptual embodiments
Perceptiveness toward contemporary society
Concepts to pioneer the future
Imagination for prosperous lifestyle culture
Reflecting on society and environment
The entries are screened based on this philosophy and the characteristics of their respective domains. During the screening process, the physical product is scrutinised by a Jury of Design experts using the above principals. This is a rigorous process involving debate and discussion to reach a consensus and Good Design Awards are only awarded to products that meet the competition’s high standards.
Awarded companies include Sony, Nike, Toshiba, Honda, Philips and Nikon among others.
Purelab Chorus is the first modular water purification system designed to fit individual laboratory needs and space
Chorus has also been awarded an Instrument Business Outlook (IBO) Award. Winners are selected solely based on their industrial design, not on technical capabilities or performance – criteria include innovation, aesthetics, functionality and features. Awards are given for excellence in the industrial design of analytical instruments, portable analytical instruments or laboratory equipment, the winners of the 2014 Awards demonstrate how industrial design can improve a products functionality and the end-users experience.